Creating a Context
In “IPBX> IPBX Configuration> Contexts”, click the “+” to add a context.
In the “General” tab, fill in the data:
Name: free name, “from-ippi” for example
Name displayed: free name
Context Type: Incoming
In the “Incoming Calls” tab, click on the “+” to add numbers, fill in the data and click “Save”:
Start of the number interval: enter the virtual number ippi
No. of digits received: enter 10
Creating the SIP trunk
In “IPBX> Interconnection Management> SIP Protocol”, click the “+” to add a trunk.
In the “General” tab, fill in the data:
Name: free name, “trunk-ippi” for example
Authentication ID: ippi username
Password: SIP ippi password
Connection Type: Friend
IP Address Type: Static, enter the value
Context: select the previously created context, “Incoming calls ippi (from-ippi)”
Language: en_US (or according to your language)
In the “Registration” tab, fill in the data:
Registration: check box
Name: ippi SIP username
Authentication ID: ippi username
Password: SIP ippi password
Remote server:
In the “Signage” tab, “Codecs” frame, check the “Customize codecs” box and fill in the data:
In the list on the right, click on the most G711 A-law (Audio) and GSM (Audio)
In the “Advanced” tab, fill in the data and click “Save”:
Insecurity: All
Rewrite the From-User field: ippi username
Rewrite the From-Domain field:
Then verify that the SIP trunk is active via the Asterisk command-line interface:
Root @ xivo: ~ # asterisk -r
Xivo * CLI> sip show registry
Host dnsmgr Username Refresh State Reg.Time N identifying 105 Registered Thu, 28 June 2007 20:00:00
1 SIP registrations.
Trunk ippi is well recorded.
Incoming call setup
In “IPBX> Call Management> Incoming Calls”, click the “+”.
In the “General” tab, fill in the data and click “Save”:
SDA: ippi SIP username
Context: Incoming calls ippi (from-ippi)
Destination: User
Return to: select the user of your choice
Outgoing call setup
In “Outgoing Calls”, click on the “+”.
In the “General” tab, fill in the data:
Name: Free text, eg “ippi”
In the list on the left add “trunk_ippi”
Fill in the data and click “Save”:
Extension: 9XXXXXXXXXX
Stripnum: 1
This means that when a phone dials a number of 11 numbers whose first number is a 9, you must remove the first number and make a call with the trunk ippi.
In “IPBX> Control System> Reload Asterisk”, to test the new trunk.
Monthly billing is done at the beginning of each month.